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Plugivery Forums _ TS - Bug Reports _ Ts2 Permission To Import/load Files

Posted by: bee_feltham Feb 8 2022, 01:16 PM

TS2 was working fine when I first bought it over Christmas. I had Windows 10 at that time. I have since updated to Windows 11. Whether it is related to this or not, I don't know; but now I cannot load any files into TS2.

If I drag and drop a file from File Explorer, nothing is deposited - it remains blank.
If I click to load then select a file from the drive, I get a message telling me that I lack permission and should contact the file owner. I am the file owner - I have tried a variety of audio files, all WAV. Some bought, some downloaded for free, but mostly those I created myself.

I have tried to grant myself permission through Windows; but I get the same result.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Could this be a problem with TS2, with Windows 11, something specific to me, or a combination?


Posted by: pierreguillot Feb 18 2022, 06:18 PM


I tried on Windows 11 and it works on my machine. I also did a fresh install and there is no problem. Are you an administrator of the machine? Did you try to reinstall the application? Can you give further information about your machine and the installation so we could try to reproduce the issue?

Thank you,

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