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> P&m Plug-ins Bug Reports, Please report bugs or any kind of problems using DC V.I.P. Plug-ins
post Sep 26 2011, 08:44 PM
Post #31


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This isn't exactly a bug, per se...but something that would be nice to have fixed in a future update.

Vintage Compressor makes everything louder, processed or not. I need to attenuate the gain after the plug in to compensate. This may be the case on some other plugs too, but this is the one I have used the most and been annoyed by.

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post Sep 26 2011, 10:31 PM
Post #32


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QUOTE (lobsterinn @ Sep 26 2011, 08:44 PM) *
This isn't exactly a bug, per se...but something that would be nice to have fixed in a future update.

Vintage Compressor makes everything louder, processed or not. I need to attenuate the gain after the plug in to compensate. This may be the case on some other plugs too, but this is the one I have used the most and been annoyed by.



No, this is not a bug but the way the algorithm has been coded, actually, the plugin is NOT transparent but adds his own color, that's how some old vintage hardware compressors are, we do not add gain to the plug-in output, the algorithm react like that.

Of course you can say, change the internal output gain to be set to 0 dB, yes we can but it's not the idea, the idea is to have this plugin to react like his big brother, the hardware.

If too much gain, just reduce the global gain using the OUT control.

Hope this helps ?.

Thank You.
DC Tech Support

Customer Support Team
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post Sep 27 2011, 11:57 AM
Post #33


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yesterday I bougth DC Brightness after trying the demo. But when i want to authorize the Plugin I get an error-message! "Cannot launch the software activator- re-install ....." I tried many times and many ways..but the plugin only works in demo-mode! I also tried to activate the plugin directly with the software activator (from the original folder- there i got the message that the authorization was successful....but it also dont work, i reinstalled all components of the software and so on...but nothing works...)



ps i also sent an email yeserday to the support- no answer till now. ;(

This post has been edited by sopor79: Sep 27 2011, 12:31 PM
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post Sep 27 2011, 03:46 PM
Post #34

DontCrack Staff

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QUOTE (sopor79 @ Sep 27 2011, 12:57 PM) *

yesterday I bougth DC Brightness after trying the demo. But when i want to authorize the Plugin I get an error-message! "Cannot launch the software activator- re-install ....." I tried many times and many ways..but the plugin only works in demo-mode! I also tried to activate the plugin directly with the software activator (from the original folder- there i got the message that the authorization was successful....but it also dont work, i reinstalled all components of the software and so on...but nothing works...)



ps i also sent an email yeserday to the support- no answer till now. ;(

Hi Uli,

As sent by mail, our tech team is on the case. We'll get back ASAP.

Thanks for your patience.

Kind Regards - Peter

Eric Nolot
CEO / President
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post Sep 27 2011, 03:48 PM
Post #35


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cool...thank You
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post Sep 27 2011, 09:28 PM
Post #36


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QUOTE (DCsupport @ Sep 26 2011, 02:31 PM) *

No, this is not a bug but the way the algorithm has been coded, actually, the plugin is NOT transparent but adds his own color, that's how some old vintage hardware compressors are, we do not add gain to the plug-in output, the algorithm react like that.

Of course you can say, change the internal output gain to be set to 0 dB, yes we can but it's not the idea, the idea is to have this plugin to react like his big brother, the hardware.

If too much gain, just reduce the global gain using the OUT control.

Hope this helps ?.

Thank You.
DC Tech Support

Thanks for the response. I understand that the volume difference is at least partially related to additional harmonics added by the compressor. It would be nice to have the output volume go negative at least a couple of dB to compensate. I find it valuable to do a volume-matched A/B with the processed / unprocessed signal.
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post Sep 28 2011, 01:38 PM
Post #37


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QUOTE (lobsterinn @ Sep 27 2011, 09:28 PM) *
Thanks for the response. I understand that the volume difference is at least partially related to additional harmonics added by the compressor. It would be nice to have the output volume go negative at least a couple of dB to compensate. I find it valuable to do a volume-matched A/B with the processed / unprocessed signal.

Hello lobsterinn,

Yes, I understand, we'll see what we can do,

Thank You.
DC Tech Support

Customer Support Team
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post Sep 30 2011, 12:53 PM
Post #38


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Hi DC,

first thanks for the two new plugins. Sounds good.
Here, as AU plugins, all Factory presets in v. 1.1.0 are lost. (All plugins) Only User Presets are shown in the plugins. But all Factory Presets are stored under HD/Library/ Application Support/Don't Crack. I think that's a bug, or not? (i7 iMac, OSX 10.6.7, Logic 9.1.5)


This post has been edited by Morpheus: Sep 30 2011, 01:10 PM
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post Sep 30 2011, 01:14 PM
Post #39

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QUOTE (Morpheus @ Sep 30 2011, 01:53 PM) *
Hi DC,

first thanks for the two new plugins. Sounds good.
Here, as AU plugins, all Factory presets in v. 1.1.0 are lost. (All plugins) Only User Presets are shown. I think that's a bug, or not? (i7 iMac, OSX 10.6.7, Logic 9.1.5)


I was just about to post something similar (so I will anyways tongue.gif)..
But I think I have found the cause.. there is an inconsistency (at least on Mac) in the filepaths for the presets between the VST installer and the installers for AU and RTAS...
(using just DC-Brightness as an example) AU and RTAS installers create the following filepath..
/Library/Application Support/Dont Crack/DC-Brightness (then the two subfolders for Factory and User Presets)
But the Vst Installer creates the following..
/Library/Application Support/Dont Crack/Plug-In Settings/DC-Brightness/(etc)

If I remember correctly, the latter was the filepath used exclusively for all plugin formats in v1.0.1.

So now, if running all three installers, we end up with all the individual plugin presets folder twice.. once directly inside Application Support/Dont Crack, and then again inside a further subfolder, "Plug-In Settings".

I have only tried saving VST presets , so far, and they do indeed still get saved inside the "Plug-Ins Settings" subfolder (and I can load them, and Factory presets too.. no problem).. but the current conflict could be the reason why certain presets are not showing in AU and RTAS versions?

Mac Pro Quad-Core 2.66 GHz | 16GB RAM | MOTU PCI-424/2408mk3|MOTU Midi Timepiece AV | Mac OS X 10.9.5 | Cubase 8.0.10| Cubase 7.5.40| DP 8.0.7| Logic Pro X 10.1.1| ProTools 11.3.1| Ableton Live 9.1.7 | Reaper 477
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post Sep 30 2011, 03:02 PM
Post #40

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Btw, The Preset folder for DC-EchoFlex is named "DC-EchoPlex" here wink.gif.

Mac Pro Quad-Core 2.66 GHz | 16GB RAM | MOTU PCI-424/2408mk3|MOTU Midi Timepiece AV | Mac OS X 10.9.5 | Cubase 8.0.10| Cubase 7.5.40| DP 8.0.7| Logic Pro X 10.1.1| ProTools 11.3.1| Ableton Live 9.1.7 | Reaper 477
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post Sep 30 2011, 03:23 PM
Post #41

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I intended to post another (potential) bug report here, but posted it in the wrong location...

Mac Pro Quad-Core 2.66 GHz | 16GB RAM | MOTU PCI-424/2408mk3|MOTU Midi Timepiece AV | Mac OS X 10.9.5 | Cubase 8.0.10| Cubase 7.5.40| DP 8.0.7| Logic Pro X 10.1.1| ProTools 11.3.1| Ableton Live 9.1.7 | Reaper 477
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post Sep 30 2011, 03:54 PM
Post #42


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the authorization directly from the plug (loaded in an insert) still don`t works in cubase 6.0.3 ; PC 32bit, WinXP Home E. (perhaps only at my system wink.gif)

BUT; now i can authorize the plug directly from the folder ("2. Authorize You Software") from my desktop....wink.gif

YEAH!!! Thank You...
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post Sep 30 2011, 10:28 PM
Post #43


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QUOTE (vic_france @ Sep 30 2011, 05:14 AM) *
I was just about to post something similar (so I will anyways tongue.gif)..
But I think I have found the cause.. there is an inconsistency (at least on Mac) in the filepaths for the presets between the VST installer and the installers for AU and RTAS...
(using just DC-Brightness as an example) AU and RTAS installers create the following filepath..
/Library/Application Support/Dont Crack/DC-Brightness (then the two subfolders for Factory and User Presets)
But the Vst Installer creates the following..
/Library/Application Support/Dont Crack/Plug-In Settings/DC-Brightness/(etc)

If I remember correctly, the latter was the filepath used exclusively for all plugin formats in v1.0.1.

So now, if running all three installers, we end up with all the individual plugin presets folder twice.. once directly inside Application Support/Dont Crack, and then again inside a further subfolder, "Plug-In Settings".

I have only tried saving VST presets , so far, and they do indeed still get saved inside the "Plug-Ins Settings" subfolder (and I can load them, and Factory presets too.. no problem).. but the current conflict could be the reason why certain presets are not showing in AU and RTAS versions?

So, would a DC support person please let me know asap if this is the case as I am downloading the new installer for v1.1.0 but I don't want to install if a new updater will be issued soon that will correct this problem.
Thank you!
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post Oct 1 2011, 08:31 AM
Post #44

DontCrack Staff

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for reporting these.

We were able to reproduce the preset folder problem on Mac...

We also fixed the issues on XP where audio wasn't processed in demo mode under certain circumstances...

The EchoFlex folder is also an issue that will be fixed.

We have a new version 1.1.1 that should be available in the next hours and will fix all of these.

We apologies for the trouble but these were very tricky issues that our beta guys didn't notice at first.

I will post as the new version is available online.

Thanks - Peter

Eric Nolot
CEO / President
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post Oct 1 2011, 11:38 PM
Post #45

DontCrack Staff

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Dear friends,

We hope you'll appreciate our prompt response to your reports.

FIXED BUGS - MODIFICATIONS: 09/30/2011 Version 1.1.1

- Fixed : Demo version wasn't processing audio under certain circumstances.
- Fixed : Non accessible Presets on Mac
- Fixed : Windows XP installer issue
- Fixed : DC-EchoFlex presets was saved into 'EchoPlex' folder instead of 'EchoFlex'

Here is the link to the 1.1.1 installers.

Thanks for your feedback - Peter

Eric Nolot
CEO / President
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