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> P&m Plug-ins Suggestions, Any cool plug-in you'd like us to do ? Post it here !
post Sep 30 2011, 08:15 AM
Post #16


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Just bought the collection - great value as a bundle and some really nice individual plugs in there. What's missing, and hard to find anywhere, is some genuine multichannel dynamics. The compressors are particularly good, I think - would love to have them available for 5.1 mix compression or drum busses.
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post Sep 30 2011, 10:53 AM
Post #17

DontCrack Staff

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QUOTE (GabrieleStefanini @ Sep 29 2011, 04:17 PM) *
Two new plug-in in 1.2? :




It's THEEEEEEEEEEERE !!!!!! laugh.gif


Enjoy !

Eric Nolot
CEO / President
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post Sep 30 2011, 10:56 AM
Post #18

DontCrack Staff

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QUOTE (rogerking @ Sep 30 2011, 09:15 AM) *
Just bought the collection - great value as a bundle and some really nice individual plugs in there. What's missing, and hard to find anywhere, is some genuine multichannel dynamics. The compressors are particularly good, I think - would love to have them available for 5.1 mix compression or drum busses.

Hi rogerking,

That is good food for the mind... We'll talk our devs into that !

Thanks for the kind words and the useful comment. We'll try to follow-up on that.

Kind Regards - Peter

Eric Nolot
CEO / President
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post Oct 2 2011, 03:18 AM
Post #19

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I'd really appreciate a decent Leslie cabinet.
There are already some very good ones out there (e.g. the one in AmpliTube 3), but they all involve loading some large plugin (Amplitube 3, Guitar Rig 4+ etc) or loading an actual virtual B3 as an FX. The Dont Crack ethic of "one plugin for one job" would be perfect for this wink.gif.

Mac Pro Quad-Core 2.66 GHz | 16GB RAM | MOTU PCI-424/2408mk3|MOTU Midi Timepiece AV | Mac OS X 10.9.5 | Cubase 8.0.10| Cubase 7.5.40| DP 8.0.7| Logic Pro X 10.1.1| ProTools 11.3.1| Ableton Live 9.1.7 | Reaper 477
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post Oct 2 2011, 12:17 PM
Post #20


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Hi Peter,
kudos for being so fast in reacting to us DC-plug-in users' suggestions.
Always nice to know that one is not talking into the deep black void.

Anyways, here's my two cents:

The DC-Retro Equaliser could use a low cut filter IMHO, so that you don't have to use up the nice low band controls for it.
How about two push buttons to the left of the V.U., one with "40 Hz" cut when pushed, the other with "80 Hz" and pushing
both together would give you... "150 Hz"! (Did I do my math? No waaay!)

It would keep the simplicity of the GUI and the whole concept intact, but would free up a whole band of EQ.
I photoshopped that into the original, like so: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25038534/DC-RetroLowCut.jpg

One plug-in that could use additional pizzazz is the Beatles' EQ (DC brightness).
Yes, the 2.8 Hz - 3.5 Hz - 10 Hz peak boost/cut was what they used. BUT, to my knowledge, this was
an addition to what they had in the EMI mixing console, namely a 100 Hz shelf cut/boost
and a 10 kHz shelf/5 kHz peak boost.
...there is space for one smaller pot each left and right to the big knob - again, totally in keeping
the looks and easy layout of the original. I would buy the improved version!!!

Thanks for listening to my babble.
Best, mojoboxx
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post Oct 3 2011, 09:43 AM
Post #21

DontCrack Staff

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Hey mojoboxx,

That sure is great food for the mind ! We are working on these suggestions and hope these will shortly see the day...

Thanks and all the best - Peter

Eric Nolot
CEO / President
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post Oct 3 2011, 11:34 AM
Post #22


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From: Ludwigshafen Am Rhein - DE
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+1 for restauration plugins like a (useable) denoiser, a declicker and decrackler. I don't think it is possible, but it would be great If we could get a hint if they are coming within the introprice period...

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post Oct 3 2011, 09:16 PM
Post #23


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QUOTE (mojoboxx @ Oct 2 2011, 04:17 AM) *
Hi Peter,
kudos for being so fast in reacting to us DC-plug-in users' suggestions.
Always nice to know that one is not talking into the deep black void.

Anyways, here's my two cents:

The DC-Retro Equaliser could use a low cut filter IMHO, so that you don't have to use up the nice low band controls for it.
How about two push buttons to the left of the V.U., one with "40 Hz" cut when pushed, the other with "80 Hz" and pushing
both together would give you... "150 Hz"! (Did I do my math? No waaay!)

It would keep the simplicity of the GUI and the whole concept intact, but would free up a whole band of EQ.
I photoshopped that into the original, like so: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25038534/DC-RetroLowCut.jpg

One plug-in that could use additional pizzazz is the Beatles' EQ (DC brightness).
Yes, the 2.8 Hz - 3.5 Hz - 10 Hz peak boost/cut was what they used. BUT, to my knowledge, this was
an addition to what they had in the EMI mixing console, namely a 100 Hz shelf cut/boost
and a 10 kHz shelf/5 kHz peak boost.
...there is space for one smaller pot each left and right to the big knob - again, totally in keeping
the looks and easy layout of the original. I would buy the improved version!!!

Thanks for listening to my babble.
Best, mojoboxx

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post Oct 4 2011, 07:01 PM
Post #24


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I think the effects sound cool & are fast and easy to use - fine.
EQ´s & compressors are already available in every possible flavour - so I think it´s a waste of time to build more....
. what´s definitely missing is automation/midi capability!!!!!!!!
for further development I´d like to see:
. tube leslie simulation, syncable and fast/slow/brake switch (midi!!!), amp controlls
. a good wah wah pedal - like the fulltone clyde deluxe - that doesn´t click(step) when the pedal moves fast (also midi controlled)
. simulation of the digitech whammy pedal
. a few more cool echo units (like memory man deluxe, binsonette, space echo, tc 2290.....)
. something like the moogerfooger pedals
. tc 1210 chorus/flanger

looking forward to new developments

best regards
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post Oct 6 2011, 06:38 AM
Post #25


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like the plugs Peter. Very easy to use and some of them have some really interesting preset sounds. I have just bought them and will be looking forward to the next series of plugs.

Do you have any plans on making a killer vocal rider? That would be awesome!

Thanks for the nice series,

Don Reynolds
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post Oct 8 2011, 03:57 PM
Post #26


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+1 for a de-esser. Hopefully this is already in progress?

Great sounding plugs, thank you for making them available!
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post Oct 9 2011, 01:51 PM
Post #27


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A couple of pluggins I like to use you might consider:

Reapers ReaGate: Very nice plug, but the main thing I use this for is the MIDI triggering. You can send MIDI notes when the gate opens. Perfect for replacing drum elements (kick, snare etc).

VarietyOfSound DensityMK11: Bus compressor. Kinda like a 1176, but not really. Just something big and transparent that like the Density sounds better the more you crank it. Omg I love that comp haha. Stillwell Audio also has one that sounds amazing, but I cant get the UI through my head, its crazy (someone mentioned it looks like the dash in his Nissan Maxima haha)

What about a range of plugs that really focus in on certain instruments and offers 3 or 4 knobs of options to tweak. Much like the Waves signature range or perhaps the Toontracks EZmix?! I've tried both and found them to be handy little tools.

Couple of ideas for the pile for ya. Keep up the great work. Really digging the VIP range so far.
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post Oct 9 2011, 10:12 PM
Post #28


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Hi, some may say I have too much spare time at my hands...

Agreed, so here's the photoshopped GUI of the improved DC-Brightness (aka Beatles Abbey Road EQ) I was talking about in a previous mail:

The 10 kHz shelf cut and 5 kHz peak boost on the right side knob may seem positively odd, but that was what was available on EMI's REDD-Console.
Of all the plug-ins dealing with the subject, this would be the one to REALLY offer what those lovely Liverpool lads had!

Best, mojoboxx
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post Oct 10 2011, 07:56 AM
Post #29


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Great suggestions so far. I'd like to add:
- rhythmical gate (pattern gate, stutter gate, trance gate, whatever you'd like to call it). The MOTU Digital Performer has one which is quite nice
- Autofilter (Which reacts to the volume of your signal, see Logic Pro for example).
- Autowah with resonance filter
- Bass-Synth effect (see Boss Bass-Synth effects pedal) which is triggered by the audio signal
- comb filter with resonance, ring modulation and metalize parameters for robot voices, crazy drums and aetherial pad sounds
- Fuzz (different characteristics, plus Octaver on/off)
- A noise gate with a switch that allows you to activate a LoFi on/off sound like that spooky effect in the Cosmonaut Voice? plugin for Pro Tools
- Phase shifting effect that allows you to create pseudo-surround effects
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post Oct 10 2011, 03:56 PM
Post #30


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Hi Peter and Co.
I was thinking over the weekend about what ya'll could come up with next.
And i was thinking it would be really nice if there was a nice Mono to Stereo Plugin (Pseudo Stereo effect) in the VIP Series.

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