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> P&m Plug-ins Suggestions, Any cool plug-in you'd like us to do ? Post it here !
post Oct 10 2011, 06:17 PM
Post #31


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Great suggestions so far. I'd like to add:
- rhythmical gate (pattern gate, stutter gate, trance gate, whatever you'd like to call it).

+1 Sounds good


This post has been edited by Morpheus: Oct 10 2011, 06:19 PM
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post Oct 13 2011, 11:32 AM
Post #32


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A stereo width plugin could be cool. A big knob that would move the L or the R channel(adjustable?) a few ms forward, an Lp/HP/BP filter and a dry/wet knob. Something like the Waves doubler only cleaner and simpler (the waves doubler has at least 6.7ms delay).

What I´m thinking is a tool for something like backing vocals if I dont have the takes to pan it manually. This could be a simple and clean approach to something many people use frequently.

Also, an additional Mono maker knob (which adjusts the frequency the mono starts in the low end) would be cool with

This post has been edited by MKk: Oct 13 2011, 11:33 AM
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post Oct 14 2011, 09:18 PM
Post #33


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Oh and one suggestion concerning the Mac installer:

Please add a "select all" button. It might be okay to select 22 plugins one at a time, but the closer we get to 40something, the more likely severe injuries from the clicking-strain will become.

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post Oct 14 2011, 09:32 PM
Post #34


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QUOTE (MKk @ Oct 13 2011, 11:32 AM) *
Also, an additional Mono maker knob (which adjusts the frequency the mono starts in the low end) would be cool with

YES! I've heard the difference between bass panned in the center and no bass in center but distributed to the far outer sides. I didn't think this possible but there is such thing. I think a M/S processing could do that. So maybe a frequency-selective stereo width effect? Say, a band pass to select a frequency range and then a width control?

Maybe also have a look at this Stereo width compressor effect by Crysonic. They never delivered in terms of stability and performance for me but the idea is quite ingenius. Don't compress the dynamics but the stereo width!
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post Oct 20 2011, 05:55 PM
Post #35

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QUOTE (Medienhexer @ Oct 14 2011, 10:18 PM) *
Oh and one suggestion concerning the Mac installer:

Please add a "select all" button. It might be okay to select 22 plugins one at a time, but the closer we get to 40something, the more likely severe injuries from the clicking-strain will become.


+1 from me too.. especially if installing VST and AU and RTAS.. that's a lot of checkboxes! smile.gif

Mac Pro Quad-Core 2.66 GHz | 16GB RAM | MOTU PCI-424/2408mk3|MOTU Midi Timepiece AV | Mac OS X 10.9.5 | Cubase 8.0.10| Cubase 7.5.40| DP 8.0.7| Logic Pro X 10.1.1| ProTools 11.3.1| Ableton Live 9.1.7 | Reaper 477
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post Oct 23 2011, 08:02 PM
Post #36


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Hi, I have been using the DC Echoflex a lot lately. It's my go-to delay plug in.
So, "all's well that sounds well?" Not quite. Frankly, the order of the control knobs is somewhat irritating, IMHO.

Me thinks that the huge knobs should be labeled ECHO TIME - SUSTAIN - MIX - OUT and the small knobs top left
and right should be TONE and VARIATION. Looka here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25038534/DC-EchoflexKnobs.jpg

Because that would set the focus on the major controls that are essential to a delay and make the additional stuff less prominent - after all, a delay would still be a delay without a tone or flutter control, but not without TIME, REPEAT (=SUSTAIN), MIX and OUT.

It also would have the nice side effect of making these important controls easier to fine tune as the knobs are bigger :-)
Just my two cents...

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post Dec 19 2011, 08:01 PM
Post #37


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QUOTE (folkfreak @ Oct 3 2011, 03:34 AM) *
+1 for restauration plugins like a (useable) denoiser, a declicker and decrackler. I don't think it is possible, but it would be great If we could get a hint if they are coming within the introprice period...



A collection similar to (but better, of course) the Waves restoration collection of plugs seems like an essential for a comprehensive plugin suite. Until hiss, pops, clicks, and other nasties have been eliminated from the world no DAW is safe. Can I vote more than once for this? smile.gif

Lobsterinn mentioned a spring reverb that I also think would be great and is in keeping with FX that can have simple interfaces. Maybe include a randomized "accidentally whacked the box" button just for fun.

Also, Medienhexer mentioned a, "comb filter with resonance, ring modulation and metalize parameters for robot voices, crazy drums and aetherial pad sounds", and, "Phase shifting effect that allows you to create pseudo-surround effects", that both sound like winners.

I think Medienhexer is on to something even bigger, however. With the inclusion of a restoration suite and maybe multi-band dyanamics your bundle would then cover more than enough bread and butter processing and standard FX (imo, of course). Perhaps what could further differentiate DC from other devs would be to begin concentrating on a few esoteric FX in the spirit of GRM tools.

I mean, how many straight-ahead flavors of distortion, filter, and time domain plugs do we need?

I'm just sayin'. smile.gif

This post has been edited by optofonik: Dec 19 2011, 08:19 PM
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post Jan 22 2012, 11:42 PM
Post #38


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Hello. I am really using these plugins in a lot of my productions and on top of everyone else's excellent suggestions:
I would like a Mid/Side encoder and decoder.
I would like to be able to sidechain/key input all of the current plugins.
For something different I would like a voice to midi converter.

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post Mar 28 2012, 11:32 PM
Post #39


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First I must say that I disagree with most of the suggestions here. The spirit of the V.I.P. bundle seems to be classic analog emulations of compressors, eq and modulation and enhancers.

I would like to see a:
Neve 33609 emulation for buss compression.

Russian Big Muff Pi guitar pedal. The best sounding Big Muff IMO and never emulated.

Amp Head and Cabinet simulator. Please keep the gui scheme though because I hate the speaker looking plugs. It should look like a hardware amp simulator, cause that's what it really is anyways.

Chandler Limited Germanium Compressor. I love the EMI sounding hardware.

DBX 106Vu

Channel Strip with selectable preamp saturation to VCA clean compressor with HP filter, to sweet Eq (I'm thinking NightEq aka Maag Eq4) to limiter for overs.

The bundle is pretty complete IMO. I think of it as UAD for the hardware impaired.
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post Jun 18 2012, 11:26 AM
Post #40


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Good sugestion!!
So Plug&Mix devolpers,when can we expect some new plugins for us VIP buyers/users? happy.gif
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post Jun 20 2012, 01:23 PM
Post #41


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Quit around here...........

Are there even new plugins coming or is this it?
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post Jun 20 2012, 02:52 PM
Post #42

DontCrack Staff

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QUOTE (Toon @ Jun 18 2012, 12:26 PM) *
Good sugestion!!
So Plug&Mix devolpers,when can we expect some new plugins for us VIP buyers/users? happy.gif

There on the way... Give us just a little more time for a hot FREE upgrade wink.gif

Thanks - Peter

Eric Nolot
CEO / President
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post Jun 20 2012, 03:44 PM
Post #43


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Thx Peter!!

Good to hear.
I love using the plugins.nice and easy controls.
quick results,good stuff!!
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post Jul 21 2012, 08:29 PM
Post #44


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Hi Peter not sure if its been asked for but how's about a "tilt" type eq plugin. I think it would fit well in DC range.

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post Sep 22 2012, 10:22 AM
Post #45


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Is it too late to suggest a vintage Vocoder?

I know there's one in Logic and then there's... Not much, really. I predict the second coming of the vocoding if only someone got it right. Just give me a side chain input to feed my modulation signal and let the vocoder vocode the channel I insert it into.

And then give me some basic parameters and the iconic vintage sounds. If you want to go crazy, add something more modern as an additional mode.

Looking forward to the upcoming update
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