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Plugivery Forums > Official Manufacturers Forums > BBE Sound
Hi, I recently purchased the BBE Stomp Board and I'm using it with my Yamaha AG06 which has a Hi-Z input for guitar on channel 2. However the software "listens" on channel 1. Is there a way to change it?

As it is right now I can either:
a. use input 1 which is not Hi-Z or
b. put the audio interface in input mix mode so that the software receives a summed mix of all the inputs. However this is not ideal because that way the software will also listen to a mix of every input of the audio interface I cannot use another instrument or mic simultaneously.

What can I do so I can use BBE Stomp Board with input 2?
Ashley Smith
Hi chrisspyratos,

As of now the plugin uses input 1 (L) as the source as fixed by stereo pairs for the framework used. Our developer is further investiagting to detail split input view and selection for individual inputs by pairs in the audio settings window, for a future update.

Hi Ashley,

thanks for the reply! Great to know that the product is being further developed. It is absolutely great for clean & low gain sounds (jazz, rockcabilly, garage and all that stuff) and the design is simple and effective! Is there a feature request thread?
Ashley Smith
QUOTE (chrisspyratos @ Dec 11 2020, 04:53 PM) *
Hi Ashley,

thanks for the reply! Great to know that the product is being further developed. It is absolutely great for clean & low gain sounds (jazz, rockcabilly, garage and all that stuff) and the design is simple and effective! Is there a feature request thread?


We have fixed support for multichannel selecting for the next update to also include support/compatibility for Big Sur (Intel chip only at this time). We should release this early next year. Please feel free to send any mails through the helpdesk at the new BBE Sound Plugins site -

QUOTE (Ashley Smith @ Dec 23 2020, 01:52 PM) *

We have fixed support for multichannel selecting for the next update to also include support/compatibility for Big Sur (Intel chip only at this time). We should release this early next year. Please feel free to send any mails through the helpdesk at the new BBE Sound Plugins site -


Wow that is great!
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