To ensure that your post will be read, please follow the guidelines below when posting a Feature Request.

1- Be sure to use the latest Beta version

The Feature Request you are mentioning may have already been included in the latest build. So please make sure that you are running the latest Beta Version release.

2- Make a descriptive title prefixed by: REQ:

Example: REQ: Allow to duplicate a preset

3- Describe your suggestion precisely

• What you wish to be added?
• Why is this needed (use case)?

4- Don't post duplicate requests

Always search the corresponding product's forum for similar or duplicate requests.
If you've found a similar cases, please reply in the corresponding topic.
If not, feel free to create a new topic. 👍

Thank you very much for submitting a Feature Request ! That greatly helps us and the development team in keeping the product line up to date and at its very best 👍